I want all my clients to enjoy their style

I want all my clients to enjoy their style

I want all my Personal Styling clients to enjoy their style – that’s why I do what I do.

My hope is that you’ll find styling such a powerful experience that you will feel a complete night and day difference. And actually, that’s the kind of transformation that is normal at Style Gorgeous I am thrilled to say.

So what else could be left to offer? Well lately I’ve been thinking about those gritty moments when you want to buy something new, but you aren’t sure where to find it or what to buy. Or you’ve got a great outfit, but you don’t know how to accessorise it. Or summer is coming up and you don’t feel ready – we did your styling session in winter, now there’s a whole lot more choices.

So lately I’ve been exploring ways to help you solve these little gritty moments. With the Style Traveller package, several of my clients have already enjoyed a ‘bank’ of styling hours that they can draw on at any time.

Style Travellers have the luxury of having a stylist on hand – literally just at the end of a text, all year round. They get regular fashion tips and updates. And possibly the best of all – Insider Style Hunting. With Insider Style Hunting I set aside some time to hunt for pieces you will love. I send you pictures of the pieces I have found for you.

Clients have told me they love the Style Traveller ✈️ because it shows them options they would never have thought of. And they know they have their style sorted for the next year.

The Style Traveller package comes in Coach Class and Business Class.

Contact me through the discovery form to find out more.


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