
Ny name is Nina Fountain and I’m The Corporate Stylist.

You’re here because you’ve come across my work with women with influence, where I help them be seen in their most powerful light. I’m also a Management Consultant and an expert in Workplace Strategy and Change.


I felt ‘blah’ about my style for most of my teens and twenties. I could see people misunderstood me at that time, and I wanted to excel in my career. I had occasional ‘wins’ where I felt fantastic in my style, but far too many days of feeling I had nothing that would make the right impression.

My love of art and design meant I couldn’t let this slide. I had to find ways to make my personal style work for me.

I started by spending thousands of dollars on experimenting with colours, shapes, patterns and lines to try to find what worked for me. I educated myself, and found a lot of the advice annoyingly contradictory and confusing.

But I persevered, experimenting and studying on the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, London, Paris, Milan and around the world. I took note of what looked gorgeous and studied these outfits until eventually I had reviewed thousands of outfits to see what really makes style work.

Then in my early 30s I started receiving compliments on my style and people started asking me for advice about fashion. And – a big one for me – I no longer had long sessions frozen in front of my wardrobe feeling like I had nothing to wear.

At that time, I worked in a corporate role. I had finally enjoyed the benefits of dressing in a more powerful way by rising through the ranks and securing a Director role. 

This was a great personal win, but it went further. A few years later I gave a styling session to a group of new mums and they felt elated, more confident and clear. That’s when I realised I had worked out personal style, not just for myself, but in ways that could help others as well. This experience gave me such a boost as I realised I had helped other women create new possibilities in their lives. I wanted to do more of that. In January 2017, I received my styling certification from LA’s School of Style and started Style Gorgeous.

Since then I’ve styled CEOs, executives, coaches, leaders, managers, professionals and business women. I’ve also  appeared on TV and on stage multiple times in my professional role as a Management Consultant.

Today it is an absolute honour to help women be seen as the powerful women they are, through the unique styling tools and experiences Style Gorgeous offers to women around the world and in Wellington, NZ.

My clients go from feeling diluted and held back by their style to wearing outfits that highlight their capability and their distinctive essence, so they can fully show up. They feel envigorated, propelled forward and freed to make their highest contribution.

Find out more about my services here.


Style Gorgeous is a personal styling and coaching service for women of influence around the world and in Wellington, NZ

What makes my services unique

Style Gorgeous styling is a service tailored to the woman who works in the corporate realm. My corporate career means that I bring an insider’s perspective to what that means for her work and life.

I offer exclusive, innovative ways to align personal style with your work, life and personality, to create the most powerful style possible.

These tools include the Style Synergy Types system, which I based on the Big Five (OCEAN) model of personality.

I also offer hyper-precise remote colour analysis, one-of-a-kind body shape strategies and a seven-step style development process.

Nina is an entrepreneur building businesses that transform barriers into breakthroughs.

Her work is inspired by her ‘why’ – taking people on brave adventures that increase their success and joy. 

She’s also an artist, creating occasional pencil portraits like this one.

Nina talks about confident styling for city living
on the Long We Live podcast

I would be delighted
to help you be seen in your most powerful light

Take a peek at these testimonials from some of my happy clients