There is a way that is more powerful

There is a way that is more powerful

If you worry about not having enough clothes, it is not all the amazing clothes you have that make you stylish.

It’s not even knowing how to create balance and proportion. Nor the fact that you know quality and can pick it a mile off.

It isn’t that you maximise your colours.

It isn’t even that you can buy designer pieces.

It is definitely not that you have lots of outfits.

In fact all the things that you think make you stylish don’t count if this one thing isn’t right.

Michelangelo said that when he sculpted David it wasn’t so much that he carved David into the rock, it was that he removed everything that wasn’t David.

When we remove everything that isn’t stylish, we end up with stylish.

It might seem like a funny way to look at it but as a personal stylist my advice is don’t concern yourself with ‘becoming stylish’ focus on ‘not being unstylish’.

And in fact, that’s easier!

It’s keeping your standards high – recognising when ‘ok’ feels just ok.

It’s not buying things that you’re not sure about.

It’s sticking with what you know works.

Creating a State of Style, not a few stylish outfits.

I talked about this with a friend over lunch the other day, as she was saying she needs more clothes.

I thought about last year, when I had hardly any money to spend on clothes and yet I picked up clients through word of mouth.

Think about it – have you ever seen the stylish women you know looking frumpy or dishevelled? If you did, would you think something was wrong, because it’s so out of character?

Creating a State of Style is a different way of thinking about style, but it’s much more powerful than trying to become stylish.

– Nina

P.S. I invite you to take up this free gift of 5 tips on how to shop like a pro – take it with you next time you shop.

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