I had my own connection with Jacinda's announcement yesterday

I had my own connection with Jacinda’s announcement yesterday

Anyone a little it excited for Jacinda? What a beautiful thing to happen, and somehow a beautiful thing for working mums everywhere.

I had my own connection with her announcement yesterday, funny enough, when I was buying these shoes.

A lady near me stopped, admired the shoes, asked if they were comfortable and then asked could she take a picture?

New shoes January 2018

She was buying for a friend of hers who is pregnant. It seemed like pregnancy was in the air.

A little later I realised I’ve never had a client who’s pregnant ask me to shop for her. Jacinda Ardern you are welcome to be the first!

It’s a little-known fact that in addition to being a Professional Personal Stylist I am also a trainer shoe fitting specialist, with four years of experience fitting all shapes and sizes. So I’m your gal.

If you need someone to shop for your pregnant feet or your gorgeous baby bump, I would be honoured.

You can reach me via the contact page on this website or message me personally on FaceBook: Nina

Enjoy your day 💗

– Nina

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