Red is one of the most evocative colours on the planet

Red is one of the most evocative colours on the planet

Red is one of the most evocative colours on the planet.

Perhaps red makes you think of a flower, perhaps you think of a balloon, perhaps a strawberry. Red is the colour of love and of power.

Red is the 4th most favourite colour for women, according to a study that polled people from 22 countries around the world. In that study and another separate study that confirmed it, 9% of women said red was their favourite colour.

This means that there is a decent chance that you’re one of those women! Would you like to be able to wear red?

Red is everywhere. And yet I regularly hear women say that they “can’t wear red.” But did you know that everyone can wear at least one shade of red?

The shade of red that you can wear is perhaps not the same shade that three of your friends can wear, but there is definitely a shade of red that would suit you.

“When in doubt, wear red” – Bill Blass, American fashion designer

Yes, colours can get as specific as that – what suits one person is unlikely to suit three or four women standing near you. Even if you all have dark hair, or you all have olive skin, or you all have brown eyes. Unless you have exactly the same colouring as your friends, you’ll probably wear a different shade of red to what suits them.

How can you know which shade of red is right for you?

This was the topic of a closed / private group I ran on FaceBook during the first week of April, when women were inspired with the colours that suit them best. They uncovered their best colours, and how to distinguish them when shopping. We looked at red and all the colours of the rainbow.

Women joined us from Wellington, Auckland, Sydney, Canberra, Jakarta and Singapore!

Nina, Personal Stylist, helped fifty women discover in seven days what they need to look for and how to look good forever! They discovered the power of colours to give them a lift and to drain their natural colouring if they choose the wrong ones. They even discovered a full palette of colours that are well suited to them. These were just a few of the highlights.

Comments from the group were amazing: “Thank you!” – “Your advice is very much appreciated” – “Great to know!” – “Thanks, that’s so helpful!” – “Thanks to you Nina, I’m now also adding crisp light colours to my wardrobe” – “Just reread again all your amazing insight” – “This is awesome Nina!” – “This is great information!” – “You really know your stuff!”

Colours matter so greatly because we tend to have our ‘go-to’ colours – the ones we pull first from our wardrobes or first off the rack. They’re a safe bet, they seem to ‘work’.

However sometimes those favourite colours contribute to you looking tired and worn out, or people think that you have put on weight or gained a few wrinkles.

The impact can be subtle or profound.

When you want to make a great impression, you want to know how to skew the effect the other way – so that you get compliments! If you’re like me, you would probably prefer people to notice your really great features, not the ones that you could be self-conscious about.

Perhaps you just want to look in the mirror and enjoy the picture that looks back at you.

If you’re ignoring the power of colour, that will have a significant impact on your success with your personal styling.

Today you have access to a 7-Day course to teach you how to get your colour options right. The course is presented in a multi-page PDF.  I help you discover your colour options, with seven activities, one for each day.

When you sign up, I’ll also add you to the waitlist for the next course and notify you when it is about to start, so that you can join me in person and received personalised attention – if you like!

Each month we cover a new style foundation, to equip you with the keys you need to define your style.

To access the PDF and join the waitlist, enter your email address in the form on this page.  

Our personal style often goes through shifts – if your life or work has changed within the last five years, you could be in the middle of style evolution. If that’s the case, this will be perfect for you.

Talk with you soon!


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