Did you know that not everyone suits black?

Did you know that not everyone suits black?

Did you know that not everyone suits black?

Black has become our go-to colour for business wear. And yet, it is actually only flattering for a specific group of people.

Black could be the reason that you’re feeling washed out and your skin looks worse….

Black could be the reason that people ask you ‘Are you ok?’ or ‘Have you been unwell?’.

On the other hand, black could also be one of your best colours, if you’re one of the lucky ones!

You can find out your colour options, including whether black works for you, in a private FaceBook group launching later this week!

You’ll receive personal styling advice with new ideas for 7 days. You’ll also discover your colour options – which are your good and bad colours, and how you can tell. See you there!

To join the waitlist, use the form on this page.

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