Ask a Stylist

Ask a Stylist

Do we offer a colour analysis?

Yes – and no. Yes, we can help you identify your ideal colours. I do a professional colour analysis for you using the twelve seasons system, so you can become crystal clear on your ideal colours. 

As colour is one of the Style Essentials it would be exciting to open up possibilities for you through this clarifying process. 

It is important to me that everyone we work with is equipped with the basics to have a personal style they completely enjoy. While colours are key, they are only one of your three Style Essentials. To really unlock potential in your personal style you also need to confirm your Body Shape Strategy and your Style Personality – the colour analysis alone just doesn’t cut it for the results I want my clients to get. I want people to feel awesome – clear, confident and looking gorgeous. This is why every package includes all three of your Style Essentials.

If you’re interested to learn more about our services, check out our tailored-or-women styling packages by visiting our Services page.


Nina, Personal Stylist

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