What has Alana, Hair and Makeup Artist, discovered about style?

What has Alana, Hair and Makeup Artist, discovered about style?

I am excited to introduce to you Alana James, AKA Alana MUHA (which stands for ‘Makeup and Hair Artist’). Alana is a fabulous make-up and hair artist based in Wellington, NZ who often works closely with Tabitha Arthur, who we featured last month as our Fabulous Woman.

Alana’s career began because of her love and passion for all people. She continues to be inspired by all the different versions of beauty and uniqueness that exist. 

Alana is driven to help women be “….Confident, proud and truly authentically themselves”.

What has Alana discovered on her fashion journey?

Alana’s personal style is forever growing and morphing as she continues to explore her style. Through many trial and error experiences, she has honed in on what she really likes and what she wears often, so she can be more specific with her purchases.

These days, Alana describes her style as ‘colourful, alty professional, comfy’ making sure all of her clothing is fun and colourful as well as comfortable and professional.

We asked Alana, when it comes to your learning journey in fashion, what ‘rules’ have you needed to relax about your own style?

“That you need to be wearing the newest and latest trends to be cool. It’s just so not true, and I’ve wasted a lot of money on things that just sit in my wardrobe for ages, filling unnecessary space and not bringing me joy.”

Alana’s tip for enjoying your style?

“If it doesn’t make you happy or bring you joy it really isn’t worth it. You want to be spending your money on things you really love!”

If you are interested in getting to know Alana and learning about her services, head over to her webpage.


P.S. This month Alana, Tabitha from Tabitha Arthur Photography, and I are working together to help you see yourself the way you’ve always dreamed of, with our Ultimate you Prize Event. Two Wellington women will be awarded personal styling, hair & makeup in a professional makeover and photoshoot. These luxury prizes are worth a combined total of over $12,000.

To qualify you will need to show your support on social media, be local, be available, be happy to be featured and agree to the terms and conditions.

Head to the link here to apply and good luck!

Nina, Personal Stylist

Unlock style you completely enjoy. Apply for a Style Discovery Call with us now. 

Download our free guide to ‘Five stylist secrets to shopping for your best style 

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