Welcome to Self-Styling Starter

Empowerment to dress as the distinctive woman you are

Self-directed learning plus personalised advice to enable you to consistently choose gorgeous outfits that show you as powerful, smart and successful.

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“This course covers everything and specifically gives so many examples and practical tips to bring out the best for my colour, shape and style. Thanks again Nina for this wonderful course. I learned so much!” U, Project manager

Are you finding shopping unsatisfying and even overwhelming at times?

You may have tried looking for new fashion stores or boutiques, shopping with a friend or even exercising or dieting to change your body shape. 

But somehow shopping trips leave you with little to take home. You’ve wondered if shopping is just not your thing.

As a result, powerful style that shows you in your best light still feels out of reach.

But now, you have come to a different point.

You are done with the frustration of coming away from shops empty-handed… you are done with the guilt of purchases that don’t get worn… and you are completely OVER being mistaken as less powerful, smart or successful than you are.  

Let’s get you empowered to style yourself for distinction

Question: Where do you start when you want to choose outfits that make the right impression, every time?

Answer: With tested tools that work

You can be armed with clarity and confidence for your very next shopping spree. You just need to know clearly how to choose your garments. (I’ve seen time and again what a difference this makes.)

Self-Styling Starter is all about giving you a framework to help you decide which pieces not to buy and which ones do deserve to make it home with you, so you have the right selection to style yourself with. 

I could understand if you might be thinking something like: 

  • “I just don’t have the right body shape.” OR
  • “I don’t have time to spend hours at the shops searching for just the right thing.” OR
  • “My only problem is I don’t have the right shops nearby.” 

But here’s the truth: there ARE fantastic options in store that will suit your shape and style, and you can find them easily.  However, for you to be able to find these fantastic pieces, you do need to shop with much greater clarity than you are now.

Most of the time, we haven’t been taught how to build a style that truly sings our praises. We find ourselves in a situation where the principles and skills that guide us to know how to choose, are beyond us.   

Added to this, most shops are designed to *sell*, not to fully serve, and it’s easy to find yourself in a pressure cooker situation where clear thinking is difficult. 

The Self-Styling Starter program will give you a simple, quick and easy path to shop with confidence so you know when to say ‘no’ and when to say ‘yes’: 

  • WITHOUT exercising or dieting to change your body shape… 
  • WITHOUT spending hours at the shops searching for just the right thing… and 
  • WITHOUT waiting until you’re on holiday to find a new range of stores.

Instead, you’ll be a woman on a mission, with the ability to be strategic about your choices, and about when and how you shop.  

Become armed with clarity and confidence to choose gorgeous outfits

What you'll do in Self-Styling Starter

✅  Come to understand the three foundations of elevated style – your Style Essentials

This isn’t another long list of features and descriptions of outfits that could look good on other people, but might not look good on you. 

Instead you will come to understand how to define personal style that sings your praises. You’ll develop your skill in seeing what works for you and what doesn’t. 

✅  Become clear on why you need to set higher standards

Many women are failing to buy outfits that feel fantastic to wear because their standards aren’t high enough.

By the end of Week Two you’ll have the tools to work with all three of your Style Essentials, not just body shape, so you can set clear standards as you shop and style yourself to be seen in your best light.

✅  Learn practical tips for shopping like a stylist

In Week 3, I share what I’ve learned as a certified stylist since 2017 about what truly makes a difference to shopping with clarity and confidence.

You’ll learn what to do and what not to do to stack the odds in your favour next time you shop.

✅  Boost your confidence through your one-to-one Bespoke Strategy Salon

Your salon is a chance to test your ideas and to get personal feedback on how successful your purchases are likely to be, based on your shape and style. 

I bring my kind, warm coaching approach to review together with you ten garments for their suitability to your shape and style, and to answer questions that have come up for you during the self-learning phase. 

Acquire the skills that develop your self-styling competence

Who is a fantastic fit for Self-Styling Starter?


Self-Styling Starter is IDEAL for you if:

⭐️  You can make the time to take a couple of recommended steps each week, which will build your clarity and confidence. Allow 1-3 hours for application and an hour to review the learning material (2-4 hours total, each week). 

⭐️  You feel the difference between wearing awesome outfits and those that are ‘meh’. You know the powerful difference  that fashion and style can make to the health of your career, opportunities and wellbeing.

⭐️  You are fairly sure you can work with this new material without being overly critical of yourself. It’s important you can back yourself during this learning experience.

What is included?

✔️Three weekly bursts of video insights – Weekly releases of engaging video content providing insights, tools, and examples. Each week you’ll receive a burst of content which elucidates the art and science of distinctive style and is available anywhere, anytime. With two to four videos per week, and replay speed controls, you can choose your preferred pace of exploration.

✔️Transcripts – Navigate to your favourite sections or refresh your memory with ease.

✔️Downloadable Reference materials – Elevate your understanding with PDF downloads, offering quick reference guides for offline access and future exploration. You can stress less about remembering important details, which allows you to focus your watch time on developing your understanding and skill. 

  • Week 1 – Your best silhouettes, necklines and jeans
  • Week 2 – Seven ways to determine your undertones + Five areas to apply your Style Synergy Type
  • Week 3 – Your complete wardrobe checklist + Five stylist shopping secrets 

✔️Recommended actions – Receive a weekly dose of inspiration and guidance via brief action emails, facilitating steady progress on your journey to distinctive style.

✔️365 days of open access – Enjoy the freedom to study at your own pace, with access to this trove of insights for an entire year, so your style continues to flourish. And there is no requirement to complete each week’s modules in order before moving on – you can dip in and dip out as you choose. 

✔️Your one-hour Bespoke Strategy Salon – Soak up this personalised video consultation, crafted to boost your confidence in designing your distinctive style. With a small amount of preparation, and my engaging, warm coaching style you’ll find it easy to receive gentle and insightful feedback on ten pieces that bring your distinctive style to life. I’ll support you to surface meaningful questions for discussion through suggestions you’ll receive in a questionnaire ahead of the session. Our time together promises to leave no styling stone unturned. 


$400 USD

(Or 3 x $140 = $420)

Can be bundled with one-to-one services for a discounted rate

What happens after you purchase

1. You'll receive immediate access

You'll instantly receive access to the course material upon purchasing. Your access to this content will last for twelve months, noting that the downloadable PDFs are yours to keep for life. 

2. You'll receive details to book your Bespoke Strategy Salon

Your course includes details to book your Bespoke Strategy Salon session as the first lesson. You'll have access to a variety of times and dates to accommodate your schedule, and the option to get in touch if none of these work for you.

3. Watch the lessons and take action each week

Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance will come to you via access to new weekly bursts of content, and via brief action emails. Together these will facilitate steady progress on your journey to distinctive style.

4. Complete the questionnaire ahead of your Bespoke Strategy Salon

At least a week before we meet for your Bespoke Strategy Salon, you'll receive a questionnaire to help focus our conversation.

What my clients are saying about Self-Styling Starter


Do I need to have worked with a stylist to benefit?

Not at all. Women who have loved the course have been either familiar with the styling experience, as previous clients of mine, or had never worked with a stylist.

How much will this help me if I've already worked with a stylist?

Hugely. Several of my original course participants were existing clients, who found working through the content gave them greater insight, clarity and tips and set them up to enjoy their style again. Some of my original course participants volunteered significant expressions of thanks at what this course did for them.

How can I receive tailored advice as I go through the material?

You are welcome to save your questions for your Bespoke Strategy Salon, or to email me at any time to discuss how we could arrange more time to work together.

Is there a payment plan?

When you click through to purchase you will have the option to pay in monthly instalments at a slightly different rate.
If Self-Styling Starter isn’t quite what you’re looking for…