Feel powerful in your style

Make a fabulous impression, by showing up as the woman you are - smart and successful. Build a wardrobe of outfits that propel you forward.


Feel envigorated by your style

Enjoy outfits that enhance your work

Present yourself in a way that invites esteem

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Do you experience any of these situations?

Feeling held back by your style – You know the way others see you is not the full picture of your capability and personality, and this is limiting your opportunities.

Trouble finding an outfit that will make the right impression – It’s hard to know what to wear to important meetings with stakeholders, clients and your team.

Shopping is a chore – Finding the right outfits is so deflating that you tend to avoid it. Or you’ll impulse buy and regret the purchase.

I get it – feeling
incredible in your outfits
could change everything

Hello, I’m Nina Fountain – The Corporate Stylist. I work with women with influence, to design a distinctive collection of outfits that convey their capability and their distinctive essence.

They elevate their careers, businesses and opportunities as a result – they have tapped into personal style as a powerful tool for controlling their message, managing their mood and focusing their mind.

Women can sometimes think that style is frivolous, and an attempt to be fake. But my clients know that their style is incredibly powerful. This is particularly true when their style is aligned with their work, life and personality.

You can find out more about my services here, or read more about me on the About page.

I help women around the world and in Wellington, NZ

I would be delighted
to help you be seen in your most powerful light

Take a peek at these testimonials from some of my happy clients